Our inspectors will arrive promptly. Sellers prioritize offers over inspections, hence we provide same-day inspections upon booking. Access to the car by the seller is the only barrier to completing the inspection.
Ensure thorough inspection with utmost care. It’s alarming how often we witness mechanics inadvertently damaging sellers’ vehicles due to improper procedures. Accountability is often evaded, leaving the buyer at risk. We diligently capture 360-degree photos of each vehicle pre-inspection, safeguarding both parties involved.
We prioritize quality over speed. Our focus is on meticulous examination to prevent any oversight. We meticulously inspect, test, and thoroughly document every car issue to ensure your peace of mind.
Rest assured, every single observation, concern, or damage identified by our inspectors will be meticulously documented in your report, leaving no detail unaddressed. No exceptions, guaranteed.
After completing the task, ensure the report reaches me immediately. The inspector should finalize and assemble the report promptly, sending it on the same day. As emphasized earlier, the seller is not inclined to wait for the report.